Estate Planning Blog

Does My Estate Plan Need an ‘ePlan’?

At any given time, the average American maintains between 30 and 50 online accounts. These may be with banks, financial institutions, utility companies, email providers, social media outlets, commercial shopping or travel sites and accounts unique to technology, such as an account to purchase apps for a smartphone.
01/06/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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Can I Contest Dad’s Will While He’s Still Living?

The contents of a person’s will and related revocable trust cannot be challenged in court until he or she has died, Maryland’s second highest court ruled last week in rejecting a daughter’s bid to revive an undue-influence challenge to her estranged and ailing mother’s decision to write her out of her will.
01/05/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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What Is a ‘Residuary’ Estate?

In simple terms, a residuary estate is any part of your estate that hasn’t been distributed to your heirs through a last will and testament.
01/04/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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Are My Children Entitled to My Money?

Adult children may anticipate, but are not legally entitled, to an inheritance.
01/03/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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Why Professionals and High Net Worth Families Need Estate Planning

Physicians may deal with life and death issues every day. However, few may want to think about the eventuality of their own end.
01/02/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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It Is Important to Update Your Estate Plan

Will there be changes in your circumstances or your family that should lead to a review of your plan? Could some events cause you to need to revise or update the plan?
01/01/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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Can Estate Plan Be Created without My Spouse?

I’m looking for guidance on where to start with planning in case something happens to me or my husband.
12/31/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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What Is Social Security Increase in 2023?

The government has announced a change that may help ease the pain for those who depend on Social Security, along with two others that will affect those who are still working.
12/30/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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Why Would I Need a Post-Nup?

While couples might sign a prenuptial agreement before they’re married and a “post-nup” after, it’s more than just the timing that differentiates these arrangements, experts say.
12/24/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid

From time to time, it’s good to review why having a complete, up-to-date estate plan is so important.
12/23/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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