Estate Planning Blog

What Types of Rooms are in Assisted Living Communities?

As we age and our health concerns increase, we often need some help with formerly easy tasks, like shopping or bathing. Many families turn to assisted living facilities to support and care for older relatives.
04/28/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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What Happens to a Pet when Owner Dies?

While it’s never fun or pleasant to think about what will happen to them if the worst should happen to us, it’s very important to consider how we can ensure that they are well cared-for when and if we are no longer able to care for them ourselves.
04/27/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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Can I Avoid Financial Exploitation?

Financial exploitation comes in many forms, and older adults are often the victims.
04/23/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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How Do I Avoid Probate?

There are good reasons why people want their estates to avoid probate, and a lot of ways to do it.
04/22/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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What’s Going on with Veterans Affairs Medical Centers?

Thirty-five Veterans Affairs Medical Centers in 21 different states would be closed or completely reconstructed under a nearly $2 trillion infrastructure overhaul unveiled by department leadership on Monday.
04/21/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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What Is the Gift Tax for 2022?

Two years into the pandemic, countless lives have been impacted by COVID 19. Faced with daily reminders of the consequences of this illness, estate planning seems to be on the minds of many.
04/20/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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What are the New IRA Distribution Rules?

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued much anticipated proposed regulations that clarify and revise some of the required minimum distribution (RMD) rules for qualified plans (i.e., 401ks, 403bs, etc.) and individual retirement accounts (IRAs).
04/19/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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What Should I Leave Out of My Will?

Unfortunately, there are several common missteps people make in their estate planning that can lead to unwanted results. Read on to discover the two things you should never include in your will, as well as what to substitute instead.
04/16/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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Can I Plan My Estate to Avoid Leaving Residual Assets?

What Is Residuary Estate?
04/15/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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Is Estate Planning Affected by Property in Two States?

When it comes to owning property in two different states, you may wonder how to manage these in your estate plans.
04/14/22 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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