Estate Planning Blog

How a Special Needs Trust Protects Loved Ones

While it may not seem necessary when a special needs child is young, setting up a trust to ensure their financial stability is better to be done sooner rather than later.
05/02/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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What Exactly Is Probate Court?

A formal probate process involves specific, usually straightforward steps. Issues that may arise during the process can lengthen the time it lasts until it is closed by the court.
05/01/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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What Legal Documents are Needed in an Estate Plan?

While legal documents may seem obtuse and difficult to understand, they are crucial for estate purposes.
04/29/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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What You Need to Know When Making Your Will

While many people think that estate planning is only for the wealthy, experts say that’s not the case.
04/28/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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What Is Probate?

How this is handled now depends on the plans the deceased made when they were alive. For some people, that might mean probate.
04/27/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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What Should Women Know About Estate Planning?

It is essential that women do not surrender the responsibility of managing their financial affairs and devising their estate plan to their family … but take complete charge of this important duty.
04/26/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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Can I Motivate My Heirs After I’m Gone?

Is It OK to Rule from the Grave?
04/25/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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‘When’ is the Big Question in Estate Planning!

People approaching retirement ponder numerous questions. However, I’ve found that many of the most important questions revolve around the word ‘when.’
04/24/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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Single Parents Need Estate Planning

Nobody likes thinking about what happens if they should become incapacitated or die. However, we all need to have a plan in place for just these possibilities.
04/23/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid

It is a common misconception that only the ‘uber rich’ need an estate plan, when in actuality, everyone should have a plan.
04/22/23 • by: Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.
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